Thursday 13 September 2012

Children Of men; Opening Sequence

 Mise En Scene
The opening sequence starts off with a pitch black background where we hear a voice over. Slowly we see people in a cafe, with shocked, concerned, worried faces to what they are hearing on the news. The atmosphere seems to give of a depression like feel due to the dull dark colours seen, whether its from what the people in the scene are wearing or because of what is seen outside the coffee shop such as all the pollution being cause by the transport. The design of the scene seems to be very 'futuristic' as the t.v in the coffee shops seems to be floating in mid air without having a stand with it. Just like outside the buses and advertisements are all animated and can move. There are special effects used when the bomb explodes and lots of the people get hurt. This could be to engage the target audience and to get them ready for more devastating things that could possibly happen. The main character from what we can see isn't that effected by what the news reporter is saying as after he has bought his coffee he doesn't stay to see whats going to happen next. We also hear some people crying in the background which could effect some of the audience members to show that this is an emotional film.
Children Of Men's opening sequence starts off with a cut from black to picture. This could be done so that the viewers are are paying more attention to what is being said through the voice over. Throughout the the opening sequence most of the shots are continuing as it all leads to the bomb explosion. The camera footage is panning its way through the shots which could have been done so that the audience can feel as if they are apart of what is going on in the scene.
There is a voice over that starts off the shot, while the screen is black. This could be done to give more emphasis on what is being said, and to show the importance of it. It could also show that the information that is being said is the main storyline for the film. There is diegetic sound throughout the scene such as the music from the t.v and and the noises coming from the cars/motorbikes. This could have been done to show that the setting is something you would get wherever you went. The non diegetic sound which was added such as the explosions and extra noises could have been put in to give off a dramatic effect during the scene. Once the main character leaves the cafe, the sound gets very loud and noisy, and all of a sudden stops; this shows the lead up to the explosion in the cafe, and is a great way to keep the audience engaged with what is going on.
Throughout the opening sequence the camera is panning which shows the 'on foot' effect. There are lots of different angles which is good because it shows the variety of things happening in each scene. The opening opens with a high angle which shows that it could be the t.v because the first thing you see is a group of shocked people looking up at an angle.

1 comment:

  1. WWW: you analyse with lots of detail, and included the mise en scene the editing and the sound.
    ebi: you could include more about the camera angles and lighting
