Thursday 25 October 2012

Review of shot types used in Preliminary Exercise

We first started to create our rough cut; which was where our shots should be placed, and where the continuity would make sense for the final piece. When looking back on the shots we used, we do have a range of different shot types such as close ups, long shots and a use of the 180' rule,  therefore we have met our target. I think our most successful shot was the long shot of when Palwasha was walking away from Lacey; the lighting with this shot was very good as we didn't plan on how it would be dark when she had given Lacey the envelope and when she walked away she went into the light, the natural lightning went very well with this shot. Even though this means the lighting is not continuous it fits in as this went well with the next shot.
We then started our precision editing; personally I think we have edited the beginning to an intermediate level.  We got the continuity shots at a good place, but then realised there was a jump cut after the entrance of Palwasha through the door therefore we went out and shot again to try and cover that up. This was kind of an issue as Lacey was not wearing the same clothes therefore we just got Palwasha's scene and tried to blur out Lacey.The lighting of the opening was not a big deal as the natural lighting complimented what we were doing.

We need to work on our sound edit as the beginning is natural with the background noise such as the opening of the door and the taping of the shoes, however needs a lot of work done to it. At one point we have cut the sound from a different shot, and placed it in the shot used for the final piece, but the cutting hasn't been done to the bet standard.

Also, the picture edit needs a bit of work done to it as well, as some shots have been placed on top of each other and some repeat. I think we did not get to complete the picture edit to the best quality as we had to go out and re-shoot some shots, which wasted some of our time! 

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