Wednesday 17 October 2012

Opening Sequence for a new feature film; no dialogue.

Setting: In school, a teenage girl and her mum are outside the headteachers office.

(The girl and her mum are anxiously waiting outside the office; the girl is slouched in her chair, and is on her phone)

Camera: Long shot to show the environment the characters are in , and to show body language.
Camera moves along to show next movement.

(The headteacher comes out of her office and shakes hand in order for the two to go in)

Camera: Close up to show the young girls facial expressions which show that she really does not want to be there, which changes into a medium long shot showing the two go in.

(The headteacher goes and sits at her desk, whilst the mother and daughter sit opposite.)

Camera: Long shot to show the difference in environment and to show that they are not in an ordinary classroom. This helps build up the tension through the scene.

(The headteacher looks distraught as she passes along a piece of paper over the table to the mum with her head hung low)

Camera: Extreme close up, to show the facial expression of the teacher and the mum. This is also used to show what is written down on the piece of paper.

(The paper reads, 'i hate my life.' The mum looks over to her daughter with tears in her eyes and mouths 'Why?')

Camera: Close up to show what the mum is saying to her daughter, and to help the audience feel as if they were in her position.

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