Thursday 25 October 2012

Review of shot types used in Preliminary Exercise

We first started to create our rough cut; which was where our shots should be placed, and where the continuity would make sense for the final piece. When looking back on the shots we used, we do have a range of different shot types such as close ups, long shots and a use of the 180' rule,  therefore we have met our target. I think our most successful shot was the long shot of when Palwasha was walking away from Lacey; the lighting with this shot was very good as we didn't plan on how it would be dark when she had given Lacey the envelope and when she walked away she went into the light, the natural lightning went very well with this shot. Even though this means the lighting is not continuous it fits in as this went well with the next shot.
We then started our precision editing; personally I think we have edited the beginning to an intermediate level.  We got the continuity shots at a good place, but then realised there was a jump cut after the entrance of Palwasha through the door therefore we went out and shot again to try and cover that up. This was kind of an issue as Lacey was not wearing the same clothes therefore we just got Palwasha's scene and tried to blur out Lacey.The lighting of the opening was not a big deal as the natural lighting complimented what we were doing.

We need to work on our sound edit as the beginning is natural with the background noise such as the opening of the door and the taping of the shoes, however needs a lot of work done to it. At one point we have cut the sound from a different shot, and placed it in the shot used for the final piece, but the cutting hasn't been done to the bet standard.

Also, the picture edit needs a bit of work done to it as well, as some shots have been placed on top of each other and some repeat. I think we did not get to complete the picture edit to the best quality as we had to go out and re-shoot some shots, which wasted some of our time! 

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Evaluation on Preliminary Exercise

18/10/12; Started to shoot our pre-lim exercise.
Group Members: Lace, Farhana and Palwasha

Shooting the preliminary exercise was a good way to get use to using different shot types and filming in a continuous order; this helped show what our strength and weaknesses were. We used the same strategy we would normally use when starting to film our final piece  for example we made a quick script and synopsis, and made notes of what shots we would use. We also gave each other roles in order to make the shooting easier.
Our idea consisted of 2 girls in a school, where one was waiting impatiently for the other one to give her a important message. The girl eventually arrives and gives her an envelope which has someone's death written all over it. We decided to film this because it was a good opportunity to use the 180' rule, close ups, and long shots which help give the feel of the environment and the tension they were in.
In general i think once we finish editing it will be a success and would've helped us with ideas for our final piece.

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Opening Sequence for a new feature film; no dialogue.

Setting: In school, a teenage girl and her mum are outside the headteachers office.

(The girl and her mum are anxiously waiting outside the office; the girl is slouched in her chair, and is on her phone)

Camera: Long shot to show the environment the characters are in , and to show body language.
Camera moves along to show next movement.

(The headteacher comes out of her office and shakes hand in order for the two to go in)

Camera: Close up to show the young girls facial expressions which show that she really does not want to be there, which changes into a medium long shot showing the two go in.

(The headteacher goes and sits at her desk, whilst the mother and daughter sit opposite.)

Camera: Long shot to show the difference in environment and to show that they are not in an ordinary classroom. This helps build up the tension through the scene.

(The headteacher looks distraught as she passes along a piece of paper over the table to the mum with her head hung low)

Camera: Extreme close up, to show the facial expression of the teacher and the mum. This is also used to show what is written down on the piece of paper.

(The paper reads, 'i hate my life.' The mum looks over to her daughter with tears in her eyes and mouths 'Why?')

Camera: Close up to show what the mum is saying to her daughter, and to help the audience feel as if they were in her position.

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Reflection from Media Workshops.

First Workshop-
This workshop consisted of us exploring the representations of teens such as how colour shows a lot about the two sexes. For example, Mean Girls is based for a teenage girl audience therefore uses a lot of pink in comparison to Kidulthood, aimed more for boys therefore using blue and grey.  We also understood how much thought goes into the final product in order for it to be successful for its audience such as what goes on the front cover of DVDs such as the main image, blurbs and images. I really enjoyed this session as we got to make our own DVD cover for a teenage audience  We got put into groups and went out and took our own images which fitted in with the storyline of the film. The images taken were in school and we used the green screen as well  Once we'd chosen the final imagine we uploaded it onto photo shop and i enjoyed this as I don't normally use Photoshop. Overall, throughout out this workshop we learnt how vital some things are which we do not think of, and as a whole i enjoyed it.

Second Workshop-
I enjoyed the second workshop more as we got to edit a really poorly edited clip we were shown. Through this we looked more into depth with
-Continuity editing which is where shots are eidied in place and time which all fit in.
-The 180 degree rule which is mostly used when two characters are having a conversation and the position of the camera stays on one side of the characters, and does not break the rule by cutting the invisible line.
-The 30 degree rule which is also known as a jump cut which takes place where the camera needs to move at least 30 degrees.
-An establishing shot is a long shot of the location or the setting of where the film/programme takes place which can be easily recognisable. 
I also learnt what how well I could edit a video in a short amount of time with out any fancy editing or any sound editing which showed me that if I do not get distracted a lot can be done. This will defiantly help a lot when I shoot for my final piece and when I need to edit them all together. I will also try to use as many of these shots we learnt throughout the workshop.

Thursday 11 October 2012

Essay (Assessment Week); G321

"How is the chicken used as a metaphor on the opening sequence of City of Gods?" (800-1000)

          In the opening sequence if City of God the writer portrays a chicken as a main character. In this essay I will be talking about how the chicken has been used as a 'metaphor' for the opening. The definition of a metaphor is a form of expression in which a quality or characteristic is given to a person or thing by using a name/imagine, in this case the chicken.From the first few seconds the genre becomes very clear to us due to the high action chase scene shots. These are very fast and are of knives being scrapped across a surface which suggest that this film is crime and action. Also, these shots suggest that the audience are from a higher age range as these are very deadly weapons. The knife automatically becomes a signifier as it acts for death, murder and gangs. This shows that towards the end, someone will end up getting hurt.The first full shot we see is of a chicken therefore the audience may think that it is something to do with the main character. However it could be used as a metaphor due to what it is representing which could be struggle and escapism of life. In the opening sequence we see shots of lots of poultry where people are cutting vegetables or other things which relate back to the chicken being killed shortly. There is one which is looking around to see what is happing, therefore is trying to escape, the creator give this chicken a human like feel because when it does escape it seems to be very scared due to the extreme close up shots used, which are normally done to show emotions. This links in with what the young boy said towards the end "In the city of god, if you run away they will get you, and if you stay they'll get you too". This suggests that in the city no one can escape what they get themselves into especially if there life depends on it.
This could foreshadow what may happen during the film as we eventually get introduced to the main character.
Due to the escapism of the chicken the evidence get to feel where the film is based as the chicken is on the loose in a part of the Brazilian slums, the visual language such as camera shots were very varied  throughout the opening. The audience are put in the chickens shares when it is on the run as the camera is panning through the allies and short cuts of the slum, which shows that the chicken is trying to escape. Whilst the camera is panning behind the chicken; there has been an addition of non diegetic music which is a fast tempo which connects how the chicken may feel.The aural language such as the non diegetic music seems to be getting even louder as the chicken has escaped this music seems to stop every time the chicken is not in the scene, this could have been added to engage the audience watching. The diegetic sound is coming form the contribution of how the atmosphere in Brazil is like for example hear the clucking of the chicken, suggesting fear and some instruments playing in the background suggesting that in the streets of Brazil line music is normal.The opening sequence shows nearly populated streets and poultry places which shows that even through there are people everywhere in the slum, the chicken is on its own also foreshadowing things which have to come such as someone being stranded and being left alone with literally no hope. Also the colour scheme throughout the trailer seems to be very dull and grey, the chicken is the main thing has a "bright" colour due to it being orangey/brown which connotes the impact the chicken has. The colour of the chicken could also connotes a "fire" like feel making the audience just a bit feared with what's too come.From the way the characters are speaking and by the their actions the audience can tell that the chicken is being treated in such a horrible conditions, this could foreshadow how some of the characters may be treated suggesting that the storyline may include people being treated in vile ways and end up getting hurt. This also helps portray what the genre of the film is.The narrative of the opening sequence changes as the beginning it focuses on all the poultry; especially the chicken, connoting it to be a metaphor of the opening. Then we introduced to what we only assume are the 2 characters, who are young teenage boys having their own conversation where one is extremely interested in his camera. This then comes to the young Brazilian black boy who the film is based on and goes into a flashback of his childhood.
The structure of this narrative is different as it does not have a clear storyline which is easily recognizable and does not start with the main character. 

Thursday 4 October 2012

Targets for AS Media;

Target: To complete or re-do some work to a better standard. I need to also update my blog on a regular basis with links and things that will help for my portfolio and exam.

Grade: I would like to achieve a grade A.

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Preliminary Exercise-

INT. Hallway of a building-Day
start shot; close up of a mysterious building.
Camera: Panning behind  Ellie the who is wearing all black and walks through a door and stops when she sees someone.
Camera: Starts the 180' rule, and is on the left side of Ellie.

''Good to see that you are early; shows you are very keen. Are you sure you are ready to do this case on your own?''

Camera: It moves across to Jasmines (girl wearing all black) right shoulder.

''I am. I defiantly am. I feel as if Lauren slows me down. May i have the case file please?''

Camera: It changes back to being behind Ellie's left shoulder.

''That's your decision. But you will be on your own, and there will be no backup. Here's the file; read it carefully . You start at 12pm sharp on Friday''
-handing over the file-
Camera: Goes behind to Jasmines right shoulder
-Jasmine takes the file from Ellie-

''I will, don't worry. I will be alert throughout the mission. I will not let you down detective.''

Camera: Moves to Ellie's left shoulder.

  ''I know you won't. Now leave and make sure no one sees you leaving. See you soon.''

Camera: (Panning) Jasmine turns her back on Ellie, places the file in her bag and walks out of the door.
As she walks out, someone from the above window has seen her.

Genre: Crime/Action