Tuesday 4 December 2012

House of Doom Synopsis

Samantha, Demi and Victoria have been best friends since Nursery. They have all grown up together, and now that they are 18, they are all moving out of there parents house into there own little apartment. The summer holidays are about to start, which is why the have chosen this perfect time to move. All four of them have been looking at newspapers and adverts all over in order to find the perfect apartment. Victoria has found an apartment, which is looking for some new room mates, and for the time being , the girls have decided to go with it. Once they have enough money saved up, they will eventually buy a house big enough for all four.

Victoria rings up Jamie (the advertiser for the apartment) and from there conversation she finds out that Jamie is still planning on living there, but needs more people as the rent is too much for just one person. They soon meet up, Jamie is something the girls would never have expected. Tall, brown haired, pale skin, perfect cheek bones. The five go back to Jamie's apartment, and the girls automatically fall in love with it. In no time, the girls agree to sharing the studio flat with Jamie, which results in the 4 of them celebrating with snacks and drinks.

Its been about two weeks since the girls moved in, and there has been no trouble. Victoria is extremely close to Jamie. The two always mess around with the others, play pranks on them, and always watch movie's in the flat, however she has begun noticing some abnormal things about him. He never seems to leave his flat, and the girls realise that they've never been in his room to ever witness what could go on in their. They always claim that his bedroom smells, but they cant quite get there heads around to what the smell could be. He's extremely strong, and never seems to go out during the day. One night, Sam and Demi are all ready to go out to a party, but Victoria stays at home as she has a migraine. The girls leave and Victoria goes into the kitchen to make herself dinner. 

Whilst cutting the vegetables, Victoria cuts herself by accident, and in that 0.0 second of her cutting her finger and turning around, Jamie is standing behind her. Victoria jumps back in shock , as she never realised he was at home, let along the kitchen. "You sacred me, When did you get in?" she says. "Oh, i've been at home all day. Let me see what you've done." Jamie takes her finger, but instead of cleaning it with a tissue or putting a bandage on it, he licks it. And he doesn't stop there. He squeezes her finger even more, so that more blood would come out. 

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" she shouts. "I'm sorry, i just... i just like the taste of blood" Jamie hesitantly replies. "This isn't normal...You're not..you're not.. a vampire..are you.."she hesitantly, slowly says. "Don't be stupid, you know they don't exist." He calmly replies, still looking at the blood all over her hands. 

Victoria quickly runs to Jamie's room and opens it. She is gob smacked to see what she witnesses  Every corner of the room seems to have buckets, and buckets full of blood. Every window is covered. It is covered in black. "Don't tell the others. Please. Don't. I don't harm you, or any of your friends. I cant help it." Jamie is pleading. " "Promise me you wont tell Vic. Promise me."

"I promise." 

Day by day, Sam and Demi begin to realise big changes in Victoria. She is not the same. She hardly ever sees her friends. She's always in Jamie's room with him.

CLIFFHANGER; has she become a Vampire too; OR is she helping Jamie recover without the others noticing? Will she have to choose between Jamie and her best friends? What will happen.


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