Wednesday 19 December 2012

Vampire TV Drama/Show

Representation of gender and sexuality within different types of TV Shows. 

In any TV show, men are always seen as the dominant character, whereas women are seen as those who are weak and are exploited for men's needs, for example sexuality. In the TV Show, Vampire diaries, the main character is a women, Elena Gilbert who falls in love with a vampire Stefan Salvatore; however its not a happy ending as his evil brother Damon plans to wreck his relationship. From only knowing about the 3 main characters, we can already see that Elena is going to be used as a sex object
The main typical storyline for programmes such as the vampire diaries is that the young human woman falls in love with a aged vampire disguised in a young mans body, which of course does not end well. As the vampire is the man, it automatically gives the more power towards the other characters especially women, therefore showing how gender plays a big part in vampire TV shows, even in society.
Watching a few clips from Vampire Diaries I have realised that whenever Stefan or Damon are shown, they have much more of high key lighting even though some may see then as the villains bad. Whereas when Elena is shown, she is presented with more of a low key lighting which could connote that she is more in danger than anything else.

^NEED TO FINISH. just saying.

Saturday 15 December 2012

Media Magazine Conference; 13.12.12♥

The conference we attended on Thursday at Logan Hall was beyond what I actually expected;those of you who didn't come missed out, even though we've been told to write our notes and feedback from what we thought of it, the actual presence of being there and experiencing it was completely different. Even though I had searched what was the schedule of the day a few days earlier, I was genuinely shocked by what we got told and the things we learnt.
Our first 'lecturer' was Professor Martin Barker, who was speaking mainly about Media Violence and how it affected many people. The four types of Intense Engagement were through, Cinema, Comic books, TV and Video Games. There was a successful campaign to ban the comic book which included The Mighty Shaggur as it had too much violence and sexual references.
The next speakers were very close friends from a very young age, Jolyon Rubinstein and Heydon Prowse who are extremely inspirational. We had a question and answer session with them about how the two got into the media industry and what they has been working on. We saw many different clips from there programme which is aired on BBC3, "The Revolution Will Be Televised" and I personally think that I learnt a lot out of the answers they had given us, mostly because they related more to out generation and frankly because they were hilarious! There programme includes events that are shown on the news and are in the public eye, but they show it from OUR point of view. I would defiantly recommend everybody watching it, as it is better than the usual crap we watch. They have also done a sketch called "Will you be my friend" which we also got to see.
Google Homeview (MUST SEE)
Can I be your friend? :")
Barclays Casino (EPIC)
Pete Fraser was another speaker, and was the one asking the questions to Jolyon and Heydon. His speech was VERY helpful as he is a former head of Media Studies and regularly contributes to Media Magazine. His 9 keywords for Media are; Research, Planning, Evidence, Ideas, Feedback, Logistics, Equipment  Production and Reflection. He has a very useful blog which will come in handy especially when we all start our production work.
for all you tweeters, i suggest you follow his TWITTER; @PetesMediaBlog
We were then introduced to 6 media students who were now working in the Industry in one way or another. This part of the conference was actually interesting, because from all the six different scenarios we learnt that to get into any part of the media industry, whether its behind the big screens or journalism, EXPERIENCE AND DEDICATION IS REQUIRED! 
We were then introduced to Dr Shakuntala Banaji who talked about Global Media and the poverty within the world (especially India). She told us about all of her visits, and how it was like to see young children without ANY technology, were some thought a camera was a hammer. She also said that in places like India, children as young as 3 were allowed into watching 18+ films,just because there parents wanted to go and see it.
Paul Lewis was someone else I found extremely interesting, he is a journalist for The Guardian, and he was talking about how social media has impacted the news and how breaking events are reported directly from twitter, facebook our youtube and how they quickly travel around the world. He helped my understanding on what journalists have to do, and how things like twitter can help them, but at times be a problem for them too. He was closely linked to the articles on the Riots last August, and was proudly the second highest retweeted account on tweets related to the riots.
for breaking news updates, follow- @PaulLewis 
And finally, the man I had been looking forward to ALL week, Corin Hardy, a music video producer for Ed Sheeran&Devlin, Biffy Clyro, The PRODIGY and many more. His work is absolutely amazing, like seriously! He has been directing and making films from a very young age, and is in love with horror, which is why we engaged with him more. From viewing his work we got more of an idea with what we could use in our Horror opening sequences. We saw the making of the 'Prodigy- Warriors' music video, which was stunning. It was mostly animated, and he used cigarette boxes and made them come to life.
We then also got to see Devlin ft Ed Sheeran's full short film clip for Watchtower.


Wednesday 12 December 2012

Ideas I'd like to work on.

I would like to work on Sheida's Pitch for Abandoned Camp as after hearing all the pitches  this one stuck by me. Even though it uses one of the main storyline of a horror (final destination), its one that i think will have the best potential to make a good opening scene out of. As of the roles, i would love to help film the opening as i think it will be a good experience, with her storyline. 

I also liked Kia's pitch for Asylum of Louisiana. This storyline was also very strong and different  It didn't have vampires falling in love or people getting lost. I especially liked the bit if the pitch were we find out that the doctors and nurses use there patients as a blood bank. This idea is new, and has never been done before. Also with this, I would like to take on the role as the camera person, with the help of others. 

Tuesday 4 December 2012

25 word pitch for Horror Film

Best friends; Samantha, Demi and Victoria looking for THE apartment. Issues with money results to sharing an apartment with the mysterious Jamie. Will the truth be hidden forever?

^I know it's 28 words, but if you take out the names of the three best friends, then its UNDER 25 words :) 

House of Doom Synopsis

Samantha, Demi and Victoria have been best friends since Nursery. They have all grown up together, and now that they are 18, they are all moving out of there parents house into there own little apartment. The summer holidays are about to start, which is why the have chosen this perfect time to move. All four of them have been looking at newspapers and adverts all over in order to find the perfect apartment. Victoria has found an apartment, which is looking for some new room mates, and for the time being , the girls have decided to go with it. Once they have enough money saved up, they will eventually buy a house big enough for all four.

Victoria rings up Jamie (the advertiser for the apartment) and from there conversation she finds out that Jamie is still planning on living there, but needs more people as the rent is too much for just one person. They soon meet up, Jamie is something the girls would never have expected. Tall, brown haired, pale skin, perfect cheek bones. The five go back to Jamie's apartment, and the girls automatically fall in love with it. In no time, the girls agree to sharing the studio flat with Jamie, which results in the 4 of them celebrating with snacks and drinks.

Its been about two weeks since the girls moved in, and there has been no trouble. Victoria is extremely close to Jamie. The two always mess around with the others, play pranks on them, and always watch movie's in the flat, however she has begun noticing some abnormal things about him. He never seems to leave his flat, and the girls realise that they've never been in his room to ever witness what could go on in their. They always claim that his bedroom smells, but they cant quite get there heads around to what the smell could be. He's extremely strong, and never seems to go out during the day. One night, Sam and Demi are all ready to go out to a party, but Victoria stays at home as she has a migraine. The girls leave and Victoria goes into the kitchen to make herself dinner. 

Whilst cutting the vegetables, Victoria cuts herself by accident, and in that 0.0 second of her cutting her finger and turning around, Jamie is standing behind her. Victoria jumps back in shock , as she never realised he was at home, let along the kitchen. "You sacred me, When did you get in?" she says. "Oh, i've been at home all day. Let me see what you've done." Jamie takes her finger, but instead of cleaning it with a tissue or putting a bandage on it, he licks it. And he doesn't stop there. He squeezes her finger even more, so that more blood would come out. 

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" she shouts. "I'm sorry, i just... i just like the taste of blood" Jamie hesitantly replies. "This isn't normal...You're're not.. a vampire..are you.."she hesitantly, slowly says. "Don't be stupid, you know they don't exist." He calmly replies, still looking at the blood all over her hands. 

Victoria quickly runs to Jamie's room and opens it. She is gob smacked to see what she witnesses  Every corner of the room seems to have buckets, and buckets full of blood. Every window is covered. It is covered in black. "Don't tell the others. Please. Don't. I don't harm you, or any of your friends. I cant help it." Jamie is pleading. " "Promise me you wont tell Vic. Promise me."

"I promise." 

Day by day, Sam and Demi begin to realise big changes in Victoria. She is not the same. She hardly ever sees her friends. She's always in Jamie's room with him.

CLIFFHANGER; has she become a Vampire too; OR is she helping Jamie recover without the others noticing? Will she have to choose between Jamie and her best friends? What will happen.


Sunday 2 December 2012


The task involving this was seeing how the mise-en-scene, especially lighting effects the meaning of a scene/shot. The use of the flash light directed at Farhana and Muna's faces show that theses two are the main characters, and what they say is very important.

Analyses on Horror Opening Films

Let The Right One In; Swedish horror film directed in 2008 by Tomas Alfredson.

Scream; American horror film directed in 1996 by Wes Craven. (watched up until  5.17 minutes)

The opening of Scream is very fast paced. Due to it starting of with a phone call, the audience automatically assume that this causes a lot of damage throughout the film. Due to the unknown voice asking Casey, "What's your favourite scary movie?" it connotes that this will be the main storyline. The mise-en-scene of the opening is in a general 'american' style house. It being big and having a porch. The lighting is very low key, not very natural for when someone is at home which connotes that it is done for the purpose of what is about to happen. When we see the outside of the house, the swing seems to be swaying due to the heavy winds which also shows how quiet the neighbourhood is, which suggests that someone is secretly there. There are a variety of camera shots used, such as long shots and close ups. The close ups are used at particular times, which shows the significance of them, showing the viewers Casey's emotions and in a way which the audience can be in her shoes. In addition to this, the camera is panning throughout the opening which also could have been done so the views can see from the point of view of the character. 

The Orphanage; Spanish horror film directed in 2007 by Juan Antonio Bayona
(watched up until 29 minutes)

The opening of this film is at a very slow pace, not something we would expect from a horror film. We get introduced to the main 3 characters, the adopted child (Simone) and hos two carers. The mise-en-scene generally differs from 3 different scenes. We see the Orphanage, were the audience witnesses happy children playing around, connoting that they do not know what has actually happened to them, therefore they are being told a lie. The house where Simon lives, which use to be an Orphanage too. Most of the lighting for these scenes is very low key and looks very mysterious connoting that many of the films mysterious and horrors take place within this household. The last scene we see is the beach, in which there is a cave, also emphasizing the mysteriousness of the film. When the couple and Simon are walking back from the beach, they are walking towards the dark skies, leaving the light behind, whilst Simon is dropping shells on the floor. All of these conventions represent horror and mystery within the film. There is a lot of diegetic sound used such as the dramatic music when we the the girls playing outside the orphanage.
After watching about half an hour of the opening, there are no major aspects that would make the audience think that this film is scene as a horror, despite the fact of the low key mysteries.