Wednesday 6 February 2013

True Blood; The Art of the title. (Finally Completed-ish)

Image One; 
The extreme close up of the alligators eye shows how deadly the programme is. It connotes what type of story lines the viewers may see and also shows how animals may relate to some of these story lines.

Image Two;
The close up of the snake with its mouth open connotes many things. The first one being that it is biting to get the venom out of something, relating to vampires and their thirst for blood. From this image we can assume that true blood will have vampires in it.

Image Three;
A long shot of the car in the car in the forest could shot that within the story there are many journeys. Where some do not end up being a good one. Due to its surroundings, which looks as if the car has been crashed into a forest, we can only assume that it is stuck and cannot get out.

Image Four;

An extreme close up of a boys mouth, covered in red goo, which looks like berries. Due to the teeth, it looks as if this boy is still very young, as he has milk teeth, and they are still growing. As he is still a child, it shows that there is a loss of innocence, as the berries connote blood, relating back to a vampires thirst of human blood. The setting of the picture is in
the wild, showing that no one is what they are seen as.

Image Five;
A shot of the full moon, at its brightest moment of the night, easily connoting vampire iconography, as this is the time they are seen out. This may also represent when most of the action story lines take place within True Blood, happening at night time.

Image Six; The medium close up of two women praying shows two different sides of the programme. The first one being that True Blood is a sinful programme and the other could be that they are the victims trying to get help or either are begging

Image Seven;
This is a close up of a plant, specifically, the venus fly trap. There is a lot of resemblance to fangs once again connoting the theme of vampires.

Image Eight; This image is the titling of the programme, which has a red background connoting death and blood, relating to vampires.

Image Nine; The last image is hard to tell, but it looks like there are two people wearing white, either washing, cleansing or even saving  someone.